Give Your Car The Once Over
At Central Audi VW our vehicle health check or (VHC) are designed to ensure that your Audi, VW, SEAT or SKODA running to the highest standard.

Vehicle Health Check £45
Our specialist trained technicians will perform a visual check of your vehicle. Once the VHC has been conducted, you will receive a report of your results. Which will score all points checked on your vehicle using a traffic light system Red, Amber or Green, depending how urgent they are deemed.
VHC Scoring Explained
✓ Red
Urgent – Work is required immediately. Your vehicle may be at risk of damage, unsafe to drive, or even illegal to drive, depending on the item that requires work.
✓ Amber
Advisory – Work is recommended. The item checked requires work but may not not need work immediately.
✓ Green
Good – No work is not required on this item.

Whats Covered In A Vehicle Health Check?
- Our vehicle health check includes visual checks of the following areas:
- Lights
- Wipers & washers
- Battery
- Fluid Levels & Condition
- Drive belts
- Brakes
- Engine
- Gearbox
- Suspension
- Steering
- Exhaust system
- Tyres